To celebrate this Mother's Day & National Pet Month, we threw a giveaway on social media channels.
We invited cat moms and dads to share moments with their cats, we received tons pictures and videos on Instagram, Twitter and our pet lover club in 8 days. Although the winners were picked by app randomly, we were still thrilled by the support and passion.
Cats don't talk. Guess we all thought about whether they love us. You know what? A picture or video can tell. The signs of their behavior reveal how much they LOVE you.
Here we would thank the effort from all cat moms and dads who joined us. We have also select several moments and stories from this campaign. Hope you will like them as we do.

Meowmy and me time is the bestest time #happytimewithcat IG@puffykhan

Hehe sleepy~ #happytimewithcat IG@zeyudeng

Happy Mother's Day to our mom. We love snuggling with her.#happytimewithcat IG@argyleandsmudge
that time human tried to take a photo of us both looking glam together and i decided to give her a loving head butt instead. #happytimewithcat Twitter@fluffy_willow

This is me and my precious girl Marmalade or Marmie for short. She was turned out onto the street after her initial owner passed away when she was still a kitten. She got pregnant and was rescued shortly after giving birth to seven kittens. She was malnourished with her ribs showing but she still managed to produce enough milk for all of her kittens. We like to call her our forever kitten because she’s very small and the vet says her growth was likely stunted due to pregnancy and malnutrition. Since coming home she’s been so friendly, snuggly, sweet, and loyal. #happytimewithcat Happy & Polly Pet Lover Club!@Keira Wright
This is my boy Orion! I adopted him in 2011 and he’s a healthy, happy 11 years old now.
Things I love about him are: his old man way of sitting, playing tag and running down the hall with him, and his absolute hatred of people but even bigger hatred of being alone so he begrudgingly graces us with his presence
He’s getting older and his eyesight is deteriorating but he’s still as cuddly and loveable as ever!
#happytimewithcat Happy & Polly Pet Lover Club!@Annie Lin

I got my cat, Juniper, on the worst day of my life.
I woke up to the most painful phone call from my dad who told me my grandma had passed away. She wasn’t your average grandma. She was my role model. She was so vibrant and made friends with strangers everywhere she went. She was just pure love.
Juniper was brought to the vet clinic I work at that same morning, she had been found in the middle of the road and was rescued.
Being total devastated about my grandma, I was not going to pass up the opportunity to bottle feed a little kitten and comfort myself. I loved her instantly. She was so independent and refused bottles, only wanted to do it herself. She came to my work with me for the first couple of weeks so I could keep an eye on her. My manger found me in the middle of my shift one day and told me something had happened to Juniper. I rushed to her to find her pale, unresponsive, and covered in vomit. To say I was devastated was an understatement. I couldn’t bare to think about losing her, not so soon, not right after my my grandma.
The doctors diagnosed her with panleukopenia, aka feline distemper or cat parvo. She was only a few weeks old at the time so the odds of her surviving it were weak at best. I was asked to make a choice by the end of the day. I could give her a fighting chance or end it before the disease took her. I was overwhelmed and highly emotionally. I thought about my Grandma who was always very sick as a child and was told she would be lucky to make it past age 12. I wanted desperately for her to make it, so I asked for a fighting chance.After some fluids and constant monitoring, the doctors said she made a complete turn around. She perked right up and they gave me the go ahead to take her home under close supervision.
A few months later and she has made a complete recovery. She is vibrant, thriving, and absolutely spoiled. She’s just as fiery and loving my grandma was. She was truly a gift given to me at the lowest point in my life. Every moment has been a #happytimewithcat since.
#happytimewithcat Happy & Polly Pet Lover Club!@Teresa Peneguy