What We Should Notice Each Month When Caring For Cats

What We Should Notice Each Month When Caring For Cats

Posted by Minna V on

Cats are creatures that require constant care, and their owners must be vigilant in order to ensure their health and well-being. While some basic things should be done on a daily basis, such as feeding and watering, there are also monthly tasks that are essential for keeping cats healthy. This blog post will highlight some of the key things you should notice monthly when caring for cats. From monitoring weight and fur conditions to checking for parasites, this list will help ensure that you are giving your cat the best possible care. So read on, and learn how to keep your feline friend healthy and happy all year round.

Why It's Important to Monitor Your Cats Every Month?

Cats can be very sensitive creatures, and even small changes to their environment or habits can greatly impact their health. That makes it all the more important for you to check in with them each month. Regular monthly checks allow you to spot potential problems early before they become serious issues. They also help you ensure that your cat receives the best care possible and that its environment is suitable for its needs.

What Should We Monitor Every Month?

  1. Weight:

Many people habitually feed their cats the same food daily without checking their weight. But it's important to weigh your cat once a month to ensure it's getting the right amount of food. An ideal weight for an adult cat should fall between 8-10 pounds (3.6 to 4.5 kg). If your cat is much heavier or lighter than this, you'll need to adjust its diet accordingly.

  1. Fur Condition:

Cats may look healthy on the outside but can suffer from problems such as skin allergies and parasites. That's why you should check your cat's fur condition each month. Look for signs of dryness, flaking, bald spots, or excessive shedding. If you notice any changes, take your cat to the vet for a diagnosis and treatment before it worsens.


  1. Parasites:

Parasites can cause an array of health problems in cats. That's why checking your cat for fleas, ticks, and other parasites each month is important. Taking preventative measures such as using a flea collar or spot-on treatments can help protect your cat from being infected by these pesky pests. However, if you still find parasites on your cat, take it to the vet immediately for treatment.

  1. Behavior Changes:

Cats can sometimes display subtle behavioral changes indicating an underlying health problem. Take note of any changes in your cat's behavior each month and report them to your vet if they persist. This can include changes in activity levels, changes in eating or drinking habits, and so on. By keeping an eye out for these subtle changes, you can help ensure your cat's good health.

  1. Eye Health:

Cats are vulnerable to a number of eye problems, including infections and cataracts. That's why it's important to check your cat's eyes every month for signs of discharge, redness, swelling, or cloudiness. If you find any of these symptoms, take your cat to the vet for an examination and treatment. You should also check for foreign objects and other debris that can damage your cat's eyes.


  1. Teeth and Gums:

Cats can suffer from a range of dental issues, particularly if their diet isn't properly balanced. Check your cat's teeth and gums monthly for signs of tartar buildup, redness, or other abnormalities. Make sure to brush your cat's teeth regularly and take them to the vet for professional cleaning. Although cats can't brush their own teeth, proper dental care is essential for a healthy cat. Different dental-care products are available for cats to help keep their teeth and gums clean.

  1. Litter Box:

The litter box should be cleaned out once a month to help ensure your cat is comfortable and hygienic. Check for any signs of inactivity or changes in how your cat uses its litter box, as this could indicate urinary issues or other problems. Finally, keep an eye on the type of litter used, as some may be too harsh for your cat's sensitive paws.


  1. Toys:

Cats need regular stimulation to stay entertained and active. Check your cat's toys monthly for signs of wear and tear, as these can be dangerous if left unchecked. Replace any worn-out toys or add something new to keep your cat engaged and active! However, make sure only to use toys specifically designed for cats, as some household items can be unsafe.

  1. Ear Health:

Cats can suffer from several ear problems, including ear mites, infections, and wax buildup. It's important to check your cat's ears each month for any signs of redness, swelling, or discharge. Your cat's ears should mostly remain clean and free from debris or dirt. You can use a cotton swab to clean your cat's ears, but be careful not to go too deep into the ear canal. If you're unsure how to do it properly, take your cat to the vet for an examination and cleaning.

  1. Nail Clipping:

Clipping your cat’s nails is important to pet care, as overgrown nails can cause discomfort and even injury. Clipping your cat’s nails once a month will ensure they remain at a comfortable length and won't get in the way of their daily activities. If you have never done this before, take your cat to the vet for a demonstration to learn how to do it properly. Use a pair of clippers specifically designed for cats, and be careful not to clip too deeply into the nail bed.


As a cat lover and owner, it's important to be aware of your feline friend's different needs throughout the year. Each month brings new challenges and opportunities for you to help your cat stay healthy and happy. By being mindful of these things, you can ensure that your cat gets the care they need and deserve. Thanks for reading, and we hope this article was helpful! Do you have any questions or comments? Please let us know in the section below.

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