Can Anyone Help Our Flora?

Can Anyone Help Our Flora?

Posted by Minna V on

Flora is hurt, furriends.

She slipped and fell from the second level on the evening of July 2. The next day, we found her on the grass close to our office building. The vet told us that her chest bone was dislocated. Our poor girl!

Last week, she saw the vet three times for injections, and another once for constipation.

Before last weekend, she stopped eating and drinking. The vet claimed there was a shadow on her lung. Our poor girl is suffering both mentally and physically.

Right now, she's given daily intravenous drops to keep her alive. Yet she has no intention of eating. For her health, we have no choice but to make her.

Can somebody offer us a tip or a recommendation? Please send it to if you have any. It's really heartbreaking to see her unhappy face every day.

We will keep you updated shortly. Thank you.

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